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CIRCULAR ECONOMY: CARLSBERG Italia 3-year fully funded scholarship is available for Doctoral students in Sustainability Management, Innovation and HEALTHCARE

Publication date: 01.05.2019
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Funding opportunities in the Sustainability Management research are offered by Carlsberg Italia to students applying for the International Doctoral Program in Sustainability Management, Innovation and Healthcare at Sant’Anna School. This is a 3-year fully funded scholarship to reduce the environmental impacts of a product, a service, or an organization with a focus on the life cycle thinking. The “Carlsberg Scholarship on the management of Circular Economy” takes a more ambitious approach to environmental issues. Their company concept of the circular economy is vital to the attainment of zero carbon footprint and zero water waste.

The International Doctoral Program in Sustainability Management, Innovation and Healthcare (taught in English) at Sant’Anna School Institute of Management provides candidates with the research skills and management tools needed for careers in academia, business and EC public policy. By developing methods and strategies for sustainability management, future leaders will also focus on general and financial management, quantitative analysis, new business models and policy.

The “Carlsberg Scholarship on the management of Circular Economy” is offered on a full-time basis for three years. It will cover the university tuition fees and other expenses including food services for international students.

“The research project in the broad area of circular economy aims to evaluate alternative strategies and innovative business models leading to sustainability – said Fabio Iraldo, coordinator of the International Doctoral Program. By 2050 at the latest, the EU should be producing fully sustainably in an ecological scenario. Carlsberg Italia is facing major challenges to advancing circular economy thinking and applications: products and by-products recycling, footprint reductions and zero impact business operations. Circular economy initiatives also require collaboration and communication with customers to achieve positive global impacts and to be aware of current standards used for responsible drinking and compliance with ethical requirements”.

“This “Carlsberg Scholarship on the management of Circular Economy” program is a crucial step for our company to achieve positive global impact from our value chains – said Alberto Frausin, CEO of Carlsberg Italia. Collaboration with higher education institutions generates numerous opportunities and business process innovations with the circular economy as a core operating parameter. We have always believed in the power of science and young scientists developing pioneering solutions for the advancement of circular economy thinking. As part of our ongoing mission of enhancing the long-term interest of the company, doctoral students and future managers from Sant’Anna School will enable companies to better respond to major disruptions and accelerate the transition to the circular economy to harmonize both business and societal values”.

Cover photo: (left to right) Andrea Piccaluga, director of Sant’Anna School Institute of Management; Fabio Iraldo, coordinator of International Doctoral Program in Sustainability Management, Alberto Frausin, CEO of Carlsberg Italia.